Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good To See You Deer

While Thursdays are generally days that I love and look forward to, they don't vary much from week to week. Today, however, was certainly a day worth remembering.

My sister's last day of school was Monday so she currently has some extra time on her hands. Today she joined us on our walk at the park. I so enjoyed spending time with her and my mother... they are both such beautiful ladies :)

This afternoon Eli and I headed over to Cliff's parents' house, as we do every week, and were visited by this little sweetie...

She showed up in the backyard and her momma was nowhere in sight. The fawn couldn't have been more than a day or two old. After checking to make sure she wasn't injured, we were happy to see her head back out to where she belonged.

It has certainly been a happy day :)


  1. That is the sweetest!!! Wow. You made a memory!! :o) Remember it to tell to your grandchildren!!
