Monday, June 14, 2010

I Am Home

Have I mentioned that I love being a Floridian? If I haven't, then let me assure you... I certainly do!

After a morning spent at the pool with my two favorite ladies (my sister and my mother of course) I spent a lovely afternoon at Honeymoon Island, catching up with an old and very dear friend. It was so good to be in the company of another wife/mother that I could relate to. While I wouldn't trade this life for anything, I cherish the little bit of "girl time" I get. We gabbed for hours as our kiddos splashed around and soaked up what was left of the days sunshine.

I don't think I could ever live far from the ocean. Maybe I could... but I certainly wouldn't want to. There is something about the salty air, the cool breeze, the feeling of soft sand between my toes and the sound of waves crashing onto the shore that lets me know that I am home. There is something about it that makes me feel freedom, love, excitement, comfort and completion... all at the same time.


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