It has been such an incredible weekend spent with the people I love the most!
Yesterday Cliff, Elijah and I joined our parents (ok, grandparents for Eli) and Cliff's brother for some fun in the sun! We took the boat out to Anclote Island, did a little fishing, a little snoozing, and a lot of playing!

I sure do love being a Floridian :)
1. Days spent with family.
2. My camera.
3. Sunscreen.
4. Sunshine
5. Aloe.
Things that made me smile this week:
1. I was surprised with a great deal on fabric at Ikea for an upcoming project.
2. Watching my sister graduate.
Something I am struggling with at the moment:
Usually, I'm trying to find things to do in order to keep our days busy so that Eli stays in a happy mood. At this point, I have just about every morning during the week booked up with something... scheduled 4 mile walks/jogs through the park with my mother and sister, play group, grocery shopping, cleaning for bible study, etc.. At this point, when it gets to be about noon, Elijah is very ready for lunch and a nap. Doing anything else during this time slot generally leads to a very cranky little boy and a very frazzled mama. A few of my afternoons are also occupied. All sounds pretty good so far, right? That is until the friends that I miss so dearly want to get together. Most of my friends are teachers, which means they'll be off for the entire summer. Trying to figure out how to finagle our routine in a peaceful manner is proving to be difficult. I am a creature of habit. I hate change. But I also greatly dislike being restricted by my own doing. So the first struggle that comes to mind isn't a big deal... but it's a struggle nonetheless.
Scripture Verse:
"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me and Your right hand shall hold me." -Psalm 139:9-10
Things that I am looking forward to:
1. Going to the park tomorrow! I didn't get out there at all last week and I am really missing it!
2. Any happy surprises that may await us this week =)
it was a beautiful weekend!!!! xxooxx love you!!